My Portfolio

For more samples of my work visit my Portfolio

Tanulj Meditálni

The site is offering a wide range of meditation techniques. The request of the owner was to show calmness and clearness.

Agenda Hungary

The company aims to help municipalities and companies in the complex world of tendering systems. AGENDA Hungary Kft., in cooperation with partner companies, is able to carry out the entire range of workflow related to different projects, from the preparation of tenders, through the procurement procedures, project management, auditing, engineering and PR.

Édeshegyi Konyha

Do you know the Gutenberg image box height? We are Offering the GutenKit awesom
e plugin.

Tanuljunk Nyelveket

The website aims to help visitors find their motivation to learn a language, and it also provides useful advice every week to make learning a foreign language as easy as possible.


Coming soon.

Innovative Generation

Coming soon